Engine Control System E²CON-TE

MWM / Deutz Retrofit-System

With the experience we gained on well over 15,000 engine controllers for DEUTZ and MWM gas engines, we are confident we have designed the optimum solution for their modernisation. Taking current needs into account and anticipating future challenges. This new engine management system is based on the lastest technology, and is conceived as a risk-free conversion for replacing the TEM-Evo controllers that were delivered as standard equipment on DEUTZ and MWM engines.
New plant concepts and operating modes demand a flexible engine control system that on the one hand can manage operation at the engine's mechanical limits and on the other hand enables an engine to be quickly and simply adapted to new requirements.

Advantages AVAT E²CON-TE

  • Simple commissioning
    TEM-Evo-trained service technicians can exchange the system themselves, commission it and adapt it the plant
  • Delivery
    of a complete scope-of-supply including circuit diagram, installation instructions, functional description, list of limit values and parameter descriptions
  • Web Interface
    to the E²PILOT workstation for direct insight onto the controller from any web-capable client
  • Optional Connection
    to the AVAT VIRTUAL SERVICE CENTER for an overview of all connected plants and to an alarm management system with live status
  • VHPready
    for straightforward integration of the plant into a virtual power plant, without the need for an overriding control system to cover this function

Statement of Conformity

For the use of E²CON-TE according to Code of Practice VDE-AR-N 4110 (TCR Medium Voltage), a certified proof of TEM-Evo equivalence is available.

Modernizations with E²CON-TE do not represent a significant change compared to the MWM series control system. Engines and plants previously controlled by TEM-Evo behave uncritically with regard to the electrical characteristics after retrofitting with E²CON-TE and show the same behaviour with the same parameterisation.

With E²CON-TE afterwards is like before!

Familiar system with latest state of technology


Plug & Run Retrofit
Fast and simple system update by means of a pre-configured control cabinet for direct installation on site. Generator-set cabling can be retained and only renewed when "natural" degradation dictates.

Parameter Conversion
The risk-free update is achieved via a unique parameter converter. The system's major control functions, such as start/stop, emissions control and control of peripherals behave the same after the retrofit as they did before. In this way AVAT optimally minimizes the risk that the modernization of a competitor's system could lead to a deterioration in control functions.

Smart Communication
The connection to the E²PILOT workstation and to E²SERVICE service tool no longer involves serial interfaces but are completely ethernet-based. This enables simultaneous operation.

Extended Parameter Accessibility
More scope for individual system adaptation and expansion to specific operating conditions. The familiar control functions of TEM-Evo have been further optimised and are available in their accustomed quality.

Optimised Operation
The familiar operating concept as well as the parameter views are retained. With the new operator interface of E²PILOT, anyone who knows the earlier system will soon be at ease and confident enough to start work. In addition, with E²SERVICE service technicians and engineers have available a comprehensive service and diagnostic tool.

E²CON-TE is already prepared for the future requirements of the network connection standard VDE 4110 and for the more flexible operation of plants according to BDEW specifications.

W wie Wärmeplanung,
Wärmenetz und Wärmeverbund.

Oder wie wirkungsvoll, wirtschaftlich, waghalsig?

Was mit fossilen Energien schon kompliziert war, wird zukünftig deutlich komplexer. Mehr Erzeuger, mehr Speicher, mehr Energiezentralen, mehr Leitungen, mehr Abnehmer, mehr Verantwortung... Kurz:  Aus kompliziert wird komplex.

Trotzdem haben Wärmenetze und -verbunde viele Vorteile. Nicht nur im Hinblick auf die Dekarbonisierung und Versorgungssicherheit. Hat man das Ziel Klimatneutraliät bis 2045 fest im Blick, ermöglichen Wärmnetze einen planbaren und stufenweisen Ausbau mit stemmbarer Kostenplanung.



"Schrittweise Modernisierung, EE-Ausbau und Optimierung
von Bestandsanlagen zur zukünftigen Energieerzeugung"

 Erfahren Sie, wie man eine zukunftssichere Energiezentrale ohne komplexes Stückwerk, Schritt für Schritt mit Weitblick, aufbaut. Mit modularer und jederzeit skalierbarer Technik haben Sie die Modernisierung und den EE-Ausbau von Erzeugungsanlagen, zur Strom- und Wärmeversorgung, ganzheitlich in allen Ausbaustufen im Griff. Optimiert für einen langfristig wirtschaftlichen Betrieb.

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 Lassen Sie uns doch dort persönlich ins Gespräch kommen.
Sie finden uns, zusammen mit unserem Partner Danfoss, auf unserem Stand 4.E38 vom 21. - 23. November in Dortmund.

Seien Sie unser Gast . Weitere Infos und ein kostenloses Messeticket finden Sie hier:

"Modernization with E²CON-TE"

Further information on the E²CON-TE engine and CHP retrofit for MWM / Deutz
can also be found in our brochure.

The following AVAT technology modules
are used in the E²CON-TE:

  • E²CORE-control: highly-dynamic, multi-variable controller for simultaneous control of speed, power and mixture.
  • E²KNOCKCON-c: for reliable cylinder-specific knock and misfire detection
  • E²PILOT: operating terminal with 15" capacitive touch screen, customized for the system operator.
  • E²SERVICE: our service visualization tool for optimal parameterization and system diagnosis with interactive operating log and configurable trends
  • AVAT VIRTUAL SERVICES: for remote access, fleet management and predictive maintenance
  • NOx regulation: in accordance with the 44th BImSchV (Ordinance for the Implementation of the Federal Immission Control Act)

Functions of the system

  • Closed-loop control of engine speed, power and air/gas mixture
    via a single, robust and fast multi-variable controller
  • Faster engine run-up for flexible operation
  • Start/Stop sequences for island and grid-parallel Operation
  • Wastegate control and ignition management
  • High selectivity knock control of individual cylinders
  • Misfire detection with automatic power reduction
    down to engine shutdown
  • Cogeneration plant control (peripherals)
  • Closed-loop control and monitoring of all cooling and heating circuits
  • Fan control for dry and hybrid coolers
  • Control of flow-side temperature even in part load operation


  • MWM gas engines types
    TBG 616, 620 and 632 such as TCG 2016, 2020 and 2032
  • Biogas, natural gas or special gases
  • 500 to 4500 kW output rang
  • 8 to 20 cylinders


  • Containerized system or installation in permanent structures
  • CHP plant with waste heat recover
  • Gen-sets as electrical power modules


"Modernization with E²CON-TE"

Modernization of the Milchquelle CHP plant in Stüdenitz
with our E²CON-TE Plug & Run System in less than two days.


Trust our expertise: intelligently controlling electricity and heat from generation to optimization is not something we have only been doing for a short time. Our control, regulation and optimization technology contains solutions with decades of experience in the energy industry.